Does the position of the actor change?

The actor whom I placed on an editor moves to the different place at the time of a play. The actor moves to the center of the world.

We need a lot more information before we can help you. What type of actor? If it’s a blueprint, is there custom code that you’ve written to set the location of the BP? Likely if you’re trying to set it’s location, you might be using a world location rather than a relative location. If the values specified are incorrect, it defaults to world 0,0,0.

Thank you for your help.
Multiple skeletal meshes combined into one BP.
I am not writing the code to locate it.
I only made drag & drop on the editor.

You’re combining skeletal meshes into a BP? How are you doing this? Did you place the meshes into the world and then use the “Create BP” option or did you create an actor BP and then add the meshes as components?

After placing the mesh in the world, I used the “Create BP” option. I prepared 10 BPs, created a new actor BP, and added 10 BPs as components.
Since the number of meshes was huge, I created them in multiple BPs, is this the wrong way to do it?