Does nDisplay work with SteamVR enabled?

I’ve been trying to set up an nDisplay application which also uses a Vive Tracker. I can get the multiple nodes/screens/windows working when I don’t have any hardware (Vive HMD/Tracker) plugged in but if it is connected then the nDisplay component fails (essentially it won’t load multiple windows on same PC and if I just run a single master node then the camera is in its default place and not affected in any way by the nDisplay component or config file - as if it doesn’t exist).

Is this a known limitation of nDisplay?
I know you can use VRPN to bring tracker data in but VRPN doesn’t support OpenVR / SteamVR afaik so I’m a bit stuck. Can anyone help?


I’m having a similar issue. Can’t remove SteamVR because the previously written software for our cave all uses Unity and SteamVR. Did you ever find a solution to this problem?

Nevermind! I answered my own question. Disabling the SteamVR plugin in Unreal Engine solves the problem.