I saw from the Lumen website that if hardware ray-tracing is enabled and supported, Lumen works with dynamic mesh such as skinned mesh. As the Lumen website says,
Hardware Ray Tracing supports a larger range of geometry types than Software Ray Tracing, in particular it supports tracing against skinned meshes.
Dynamically deforming meshes, like skinned meshes, also incur a large cost to update the Ray Tracing acceleration structures each frame, proportional to the number of skinned triangles.
My platform is the latest Windows 10 with RTX 2080 TI. I also enabled hardware raytracing support for Lumen in my project setting. However, when I created an actor with a procedural mesh component which is initialized using C++ during runtime, I could not see the indirect lighting such as reflections. I’m wondering
(1) if the current Lumen supports procedural mesh or not; and
(2) how I can check if the hardware ray-tracing is being used.