Every time I turn on tessellation for my landscape material it causes the editor to crash. There are so many opposing articles and forum posts on landscape tessellation that it completely confuses me. Does landscape tessellation and displacement work or not? I am using the latest engine build 4.75.
To be a bit more specific on the crash issue. I can have nothing else plugged into the landscape material node or everything [plugged in and if I turn on tessellation it crashes the editor. Then it crashes every time I try to reopen the project. I have to delete the map so the editor opens to an empty level, fix the material and then load an auto saved level map. Please please please someone help.
Some say you can use displacement, some say you can’t. WHICH IS IT? lol
The crash might be caused by the landscape who always uses tessellation. It automatically increases and decreases the polygon count by distance to the camera.
Thank you for your reply. How do you use displacement then? The hookups on the material node do not light up to be used if tessellation is turned off, or am I missing something?
I would really like to know this as well. I’ve been having a hard time searching the web for proper tutorials on this matter. I’ve been trying to reverse engineer some of the landscape materials I have purchased in the marketplace, but there is so much going on in the materials it is taking me a bit longer than I would like it to take. Hopefully a response will be left that will equally satisfy both of our experiences. If I figure something out before another reply stumbles across here I will post my findings.
Hi Doc,
Same here on having a hard time finding any proper tutorials that actually work for my case. I have tried the same thing in reverse engineering materials without much luck. I would like my landscape to look as good as the rocks and assets I place on it, but without displacement it seems to look flat and without depth in comparison.
Hi ,
It must be the version I am using for my particular case, because it crashes me every time. I can turn on tessellation in previous versions without crashing but no matter what I try, turning tessellation on in 4.75 on my landscape material crashes me and makes it so I can’t open the level again without crashing.
Thank you for your time in trying to help figure it out.
What are you plugging in for your tessellated values in your material? I just tested this in 4.7.5 and it seems to be working fine on my end with both tessellation and displacement.
Hi ,
It doesn’t matter what I plug into it, I can either plug a simple set up or nothing at all and it crashes me when I turn on tessellation. I am using a setup for displacement shown below. That is not my entire material, but what I have tried for displacement. I am taking 's advice and trying to reinstall
and verify the engine version. I will come back and let you know if that works. Thank you all for your help.
Ok, I tried to reinstall and verify the engine version as suggested. I think that was the problem because now it lets me turn on tessellation without crashing. Now to try an figure out how to make displacement work
Thank you all for your help.