I have followed a video of UE4 about Behavior Tree and did everything and it even say that it’s working but my character doesn’t move to the first point nor second point, he just stand there.
If your behavior tree stays on this task indefinitely and never moves to the other task, it’s because you don’t call Finish Execute in it. Make sure that once the next waypoint is found, this task finishes with success so that your behavior tree can move to the other task. If that still doesn’t work, then please post a picture of your FindNextPoint task so that we can help you debug it.
Once you successfully find the next point, your behavior tree will start executing MoveTo. You need to make sure that you have a NavMesh for this node to work. I’m not sure what you’ve based your 2D AI on, but I believe as long as your AI inherits from Pawn and has a working Movement Component, the MoveTo task should work fine with it. If it still doesn’t move, then verify your 2D AI pawn has a working movement component attached to it (you can also try executing a simple MoveTo in your AIController using BeginPlay to make sure that this node works on your AI). If you have your own custom movement behavior, then you might need to build a new Move To task specific to your custom AI.