Does anyone know why I´m Getting this artifacts in my lightmaps?

I´m Using 4.27 with GPU lgithmass, I got my lightmaps correctly so i don´t know why this happening, Hope someone could help me!

It’s not the final solution, but a static skylight avoids this…

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turn off the denoiser

Also I would suggest you try to even out your lightmap resolution, it’s all over the place. Won’t help with this particular issue but will help the quality in general.

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i just try, and actually got worse! Hahahahah

You right, Thanks!!

The only problem is the noise but its a good start for me! Thanks!

For whatever its worth I mostly notice this problem in areas with very low light, so you may be able to resolve it by just making your lights brighter and adjusting the exposure to compensate so that you can still continue to use the denoiser and lower sample counts.

With the denoiser disabled you’ll need to use far more samples to get a clean result.

Also probably of no use to you but this denoising artifact has been significantly improved in 5.1.

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Stationary, not static :slight_smile:

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Makes sense, I´ll try with 5.1 Thanks Again!

Yess! Thanks!!! That solve a lot: Using Skylight and set it to stationary. Now seems much more what a want! Thanks You! The problem is the lack of lighting information.

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I wouldn’t count on this fix personally, as GPU lightmass does not support stationary skylights so whatever lighting you get at the end of the bake is erroneous.

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Your light Map resolution is only 64 from what I can see in the screenshot. That’s too low. Especially with the way you unwrapped the frames. There are only 64*64 pixels in your light map and there will be faces that receive no light on the same pixel with faces that are lit. That’s obviously not going to give a good result. A single pixel can’t be shaded. It will only have one value. Increase the lightmap resolution and seperate unlit from lit faces. Hope that makes sense.

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