I want to set up Pixel Streaming with Matchmaker, and I succeeded it running matchmaker with SignallingServer in local computer.
Matchmaker detects all SignallingServers which are connected to itself without any problems, and when I use local browser to connect matchmaker, it redirects my browser to proper SignallingServer (which has no client, but has streamer(UE app)). Both Matchmaker and SignallingServer is doing it’s job perfectly when I test in local environment.
So now I’m trying to set up matchmaker and SignalingWebServer at AWS, and trying to connect it with browser from local computer.
Connecting to Matchmaker seems to be working without any issue I guess, but I think there’s a problem when redirecting to SignallingWebServer, which is also on the same computer (AWS) with Matchmaker.
When I try to connect Matchmaker (which is in AWS) with my local browser, it seems to be connected, because after few seconds, address from my local browser changes into that of SignallingWebServer in AWS.
(When I type address ‘AWS Public IP Address:Matchmaker Port’ in local browser, it changes into ‘AWS Public IP Address:SignallingWebServer Port’.)
But the browser shows ‘ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT’ screen.
Also, in AWS’s browser, if I don’t use AWS Public IP and use Private IP or localhost instead for SignallingServer’s PublicIp, I can connect to Matchmaker’s Public IP and Port, and get redirected correctly to SignallingServer.
(If I use AWS Public IP for SignallingServer’s PublicIp and try to connect it through AWS’s browser and matchmaker, same ‘ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT’ shows out.)
And for additional detail, even if I use AWS’s browser and connect to matchmaker, and get redirected to SignallingServer with private IP, my input on browser seems to be very odd (too much sensitive).
For those reasons, I think connecting to matchmaker is working without problem - both in AWS and local computer.
I think this is where I have to use TURN server, as I think those issues I write above are all related with communicating with SignallingServer.
But I cannot find any documentation about how to implement TURN and Matchmaker at the same time.
Does anyone know architecture of Pixel Streaming Matchmaker with TURN Server? or does anyone know where can I find some good documents or tutorials about this system?
I don’t know if I have to set up seperate TURN server for each SignallingServer and connects them to Matchmaker, or this kind of things.
If there’s anyone who tried to set up system with both Matchmaker and TURN, please give me some advice.