Good day! I am a beginner and one person told me that the increase of payment to the creator of the card occurs only if after playing on your card player immediately made a purchase within an hour. I do not believe this because I did not find such information on the site. I found only that the size of the payment is related to the involvement of players in your map and the payment does not depend on whether your player donatit or not (especially with an hour deadline) Very happy if you help, if something is not clear, I will explain but very much waiting for an answer. ( i.e. for the amount of payout to increase, it is necessary for the player to buy vbucks or something else within an hour after leaving the map. are there such rules or payout depends only on the hours on the map and the percentage of return). And another question, what are the characteristics of engagement. Thanks in advance
I believe every month Epic Games will calculate how much was spent in their shop, take 60% of that for their own internal costs, and divide the remaining 40% between their own experiences and those made by us in the Creator program based on engagement. As long as your island is getting played, you should see a cut of that, even if the specific people who play your map aren’t the ones who bought anything.
but i found the info that player in ur map have to buy somethink before or after one week after playing on map
There was an update where if players bought v-bucks a week before or after, that would factor into the payout formula.
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