Perhaps a silly question but I have a little maze game with camera looking down only at an angle.
I don’t really see why I would need culling, LODies or distance fields.
Is that correct?
If I understand it correctly the entire level’s mesh count will load at start of game and then the game will only render what the camera sees in the viewer (and what is directly behind it). So the meshes in the far distance off to the sides wont be in the viewer at any time so I don’t see why you would need LODies.
Distance fields are used to find the distance to other objects, which lets you do cool stuff like this:
However LOD and Culling are not needed as their only purpose is to reduce rendering for distant/unseen objects.
If by “culling” do you mean “occlusion culling”, then yes, it doesn’t make much sense if your view is strictly top-down. LODs would still be useful if your camera has a high range of zoom levels, so you don’t get a performance loss if you zoom out the camera too much or need some models to look better if you zoom it in too close.
Great thank you for the answers everyone.