Do shadows stop working over distance?

Hi, as I can’t get orthographic projection to render shadows I’m instead placing a cinecam far away and using a high focal length to achieve isometric view. However, still I get no shadows?? Is there some kind of shadow cull over a certain distance?

If I dolly the camera back and forth the shadows pop out just before my desired camera location. Sure there must be a simple command or button for this?


I’ve found this old post Shadows disappear with increased camera distance - #8 by anonymous_user_f2b8b290 but the console variables don’t change this. The recommended values have also since become default.


hi @adhills ,
yes shadows are culled in distance, you can use distance field shadows in order to get far shadows at a cost of precomputing the distance fields on your meshes.
It can take quite some time to calculate at first but it will achieve what you are looking for

this page is more adapted to your question

Hey there, thanks for this. Unfortunately this didn’t seem to have any effect. I can still see the shadows being culled realtime as I pull my camera back just like foliage culling. Are there any other settings that could be causing this?

hi, you may need to tweak the Distance Field Shadow distance to be higher than your camera offset from the scene (in your directional light detail panel)

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I tried a ridiculously high number but still no cigar unfortuantely.

Is this because raytacing is switched on? And therefore cascade and distance field shadows are inactive? Does raytracing override these settings or can they work in conjunction?