Do Property Change Delegates at Runtime Exist?

Title says it all. I quite certain the answer is no. However, I’m hoping someone has found a hacky solution to the problem.

I’m simply looking for a way to either create my own delegate or subscribe to an existing delegate to property changes at Runtime.

You’re correct there is not. The Editor callback for property changes are all run through the UI changing the property.

You would have to create your own system of detecting and broadcasting changes to the properties that you care about.

You can achieve the same behavior with custom BlueprintSetter functions.

Property Specifiers | Unreal Engine Documentation

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Wow! There’s always a nifty macro hiding away. This should work perfectly for the blueprint side of things - I’m assuming directly changing the property from c++ doesn’t call the mutator function.

That’s correct. The best you can do is making the property private and force C++ to use the same function to interact with that property. But there’ll be no way to force the class itself to go through that setter. It will always be valid for it to set the value directly.

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