I’m fairly sure that plugin just does syntax highlighting and the actual language server support comes from UEFN itself. Have you tried launching VSC via the “Verse” button in UEFN itself?
Sometimes you need to reboot UEFN or VSC for it to actually kick in as the pipe between the two breaks occasionally.
@sonictke Hi, sorry for tag, but may be you can help me?
I’ve read your answers on the post Verse Language Server, IntelliSense and check info: about folder %userprofile%.vscode\extensions\epicgames.verse-1.0.xxxxx and process verse-lsp.exe - all OK, but “error squigless” in my VS Code is not working at all. There is the video in this report. Could you help me?
Apologies for the delay in response here, I’m not usually checking my direct pings.
I’m fairly sure that plugin just does syntax highlighting and the actual language server support comes from UEFN itself. Have you tried launching VSC via the “Verse” button in UEFN itself?
The plugin contains the language server and does not require UEFN to be open, though opening VS Code from UEFN does help with setting up some other features and making sure that the digests written out (which the language server uses) are up-to-date.
@DarkAbbot, could you check if the VS Code output tab has a VerseExt category, and if so, please paste the output here? If it doesn’t, that means that the Verse extension is not initializing correctly somehow - can you delete the entire extension folder and re-install it using the .vsix file?
For me the problem seemed to be that the Verse extension was stopped. So the solution was to re-run the VerseExt, close MSVS and then run it again (from UEFN).
Running the VerseExt was acheived by selecting VerseExt in the OUTPUT tab as shown below