Do I need "Server.Target.cs" in my Android package?

I’m using the “5.0 Early Access 2” tag from the EpicGames/UnrealEngine repository on Github.
I’m making a game that uses network functionality, and I’m running a dedicated server on Windows.
To build a dedicated server, please visit

and added the code to

When I package Androidn, if Server.Target.cs does not exist, I get the error “Server Target not found” and cannot run it.

If Server.Target.cs exists, the packaging will be successful. However, additional .apk, install.bat, and uninstall.bat files with the same name as the Server.Target file name will be created.

How to make the package run if Server.Target does not exist. Also, how do I prevent the package from running and creating .apk and .bat files when Server.Target is present?