Do I have to rebuild the engine from source to fix "C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled. Specify /EHsc"

I’m having a really frustrating issue, I thought I got a third part lib (POCO) working in unreal, I can use it fine in the editor, but when I come to package the game it blows up with the error in the title.

I understand that unreal itself doesn’t want to use exception handling, but does that prevent it from linking to any third party lib that uses it? That seems crazy considering how many libraries there are.

Here’s the log snippet : MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool: PocoLibrary.cpp -

What’s the smallest change I’d have to make to get this working? Ideally I’d not like to have to touch the source of the engine to reference a library !

I’ve edited the source of the UnrealBuildTool to always append /EHsc, which seems to have worked, but this feels like a really hacky solution that I’ll have to keep doing with every engine upgrade. Having a switch or configuration on the UnrealBuildTool would be useful, I could write this and submit a pull request if that would help?

Can You tell me how edit the source of the UnrealBuildTool to always append /EHsc?

I’m also looking for a way to append that…