Do I have to pay 5% from stock visualisations?,Do I have to pay 5% from stock visualisations made in Unreal 4 Engine?

I am thinkig about making visualisations in Unreal 4 Engine for stock services. So here is the question: Do I have to pay 5% from earning there to Epic? ,I am really amazed with quality of rendering based on Unreal 4 Engine. So here is my question: Do I have to pay revenue to Epic from stock visualisations? Didn’t start it yet, but I’m thinking about it.

Yes, you’re just selling content you made with the engine.

I believe it was answered elsewhere by Epic Staff that you only have to pay royalties on non-linear interactive products. Stock footage I would believe is considered a linear non-interactive product, so I don’t think you would have to pay that 5%.

But I’m no lawyer. You can message the licensing team directly by using this page: Unreal Engine (UE5) licensing options - Unreal Engine

I’m assuming stock visualization means computer rendered equivalent of stock photos, i.e., single frame still images. If that’s the case, no royalties are owed (same concept as linear media (like TV or movies) which are also royalty free).