Do custom Blendable PostProcess materials work with SceneCaptureComponent2D?

My setup:

  • Blueprint class with a SceneCaptureComponent2D
  • PostProcess material with a single color hooked up to the Emissive slot, which is slotted into the Misc → Blendable slot 1 in the SceneCaptureComponent2D
  • TextureRenderTarget2D hooked up as the Texture Target in SceneCaptureComponent2D, Capture Source set up as Final Color (LDR with PostProcess)

Expected behavior:

All of the PostProcess settings on the SceneCaptureComponent2D should be applied to the TextureRenderTarget2D, including the Blendables.

Observed behavior:

Some built-in PostProcess material settings work on the SceneCaptureComponent2D. If I turn on Depth Of Field, for instance, the texture is blurred as expected. If I do anything in the Misc section, though, including Screen Percent or custom Blendables, none of those affect the output to the TextureRenderTarget2D.


Do some PostProcess material settings, including Blendables, simply not work for SceneCaptureComponent2D? I’ve tested my PostProcess material through other ways (it’s just outputting a single color) - if I apply it to a PostProcessVolume it turns the whole screen the expected color.

If not, is there another way to apply a material to a TextureRenderTarget2D?


I am seeing this same behavior. This seems like the only way to get a depth map into a texture, so if this is the intended behavior, that will be very limiting.

Could this be a bug?

I’ve got a fix for this bug in a pull request:

Bug report that you entered for others to see: [bug] Blendable postprocess materials don't work with SceneCapture2D - Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums

The answer seems to be that it depends on the engine version. This was broken long ago, then it was fixed, but now appears broken again (as of 4.12.4) See the bug report mentioned above.