Dividing, Multiplying, Adding, Subtracting Vector Colors -- Can You Explain?

Over the last year, I’ve gotten good at the coding side of UE, but not the material. I haven’t yet grasped how doing math with two vector colors works. Could someone point me in the right direction or give me a brief rundown behind the thinking here?


I suggest you download the content examples project and walk through the level called Math_Hall. The second hall has a section dedicated to explaining basic vector math with interactive charts.

Thanks so much! I’ll do this now.

And when you dont want to download the project -> here you can read about all those nodes: https://docs.unrealengine/latest/INT/Engine/Rendering/Materials/ExpressionReference/Math/index.html :wink:

Thanks everyone. So, I did both – read it and downloaded/played through it. It helped a bit, but I’m still a little confused. I spent a few hours last night and managed to get this:

Which generated this:

Can one of you please help me understand how the bottom portion of the nodes? I don’t understand how this creates the same type of effect as World_Aligned_Blend? Thanks!