Distortion-aware depth fade


Could you please post the material graph?
it is confuse that how to use this node thx.

Whatever is contained in this thread is pretty ancient and is no longer necessary with addition of Single Layer water shading model into the engine as of recently.

I just need a reference. But it lost the picture.
Do you know how to solute this problem now?

What is contained in this thread is not “ancient” with the addition of Single Layer Water. Single Layer Water doesn’t appear to have any blur affect like what you can achieve with Translucency Blend mode + the SpiralBlur-SceneTexture node. This blurring is crucial for creating materials like Gels or fogged glass.

The images are probably long-gone, but if you sign-in to Git-Hub with a Epic-linked github account you should be able to download the code, though it doesn’t appear to have been updated for some time.

There is no material graph, this is custom code for a Custom Code node. Right-click your graph, start typing ‘custom’, and then drop the code in.

All that being said, the custom-node code appears to still be returning depth-fade without being corrected.

Imgur: The magic of the Internet Here’s my setup and my results. I previously had a standard DepthFade node. The A channel of the output runs out to where this was previously connected, Normal input is the final normals before the Material node, Refraction is just turning my previous refraction parameter into a vec2 with 0 for the bias - the same as my material bias’ setting.

I’ll attempt to sift through the code and see if I can spot what’s wrong, but unless it’s a simple syntax error or matter of the wrong output being connected, it will likely be beyond me.

Update: I had opacity set to 0 when it should have been set to 1, all is working with the custom code now, it should be good to go.