thanks, does anybody have any ideas how predict APEX and LAND jump position? I also didn’t find where I can try system like in video.
(I’m talking about this…hn7493aswdx0ml marker before jump and prediction land location after reach this point)
Simple math, the apex is derived by the speed, and jump parameters over direction (parabolic formula), you just have to work out what is what, and you can easily get the Vertex of it based on the starting point. (character location in world space).
For the landing point the opposite end of the parabola.
What you need to account for though isn’t world position, but “time to apex” and “time to floor”. that’s what gets used in the animation curves to shift animation appropriately based on how much time is left to the position you will be in.
Essentially you really only need the Z value.
You just need the positions to do the time math with Gravity and Force / mass.
Way up is Start to Apex distance by way of gravity, mass and jump force.
Way down is Apex to end, by way of spat ( 2 * Apex2floor(height) / 9.8) if gravity is normal.
[USER=“3140864”]MostHost LA[/USER] thanks for answer, but it works only for flat floors, for example if I jump from cliff I can’t get land position by 3d parabola, or I can somehow?
I have managed to calculate time and landing point but I think I did it in a wrong way (with hight load) Screen capture - 94a5d74804923980b8314a675e339a0b - Gyazo
Does anybody can help with math please (if you have some code samples it would be perfect)
p.s. I need to include height difference between jump and land positions
p.p.s. For current deicision I calculate location and velocity with several iterations by tick (v = v0 + at) and s = s0+ v0t + (at^2)/2
Here with Apex (blue) and Land (red) location predictions Screen capture - 188aa0bb4f01209ff77a51e5ae84e19e - Gyazo
I’ll be appreciate for any help how I can do the same result in more easy (cheap) way. Thanks a lot everybody who wrote here
You can get the fall offset by doing only 1 trace test between apex and the rest of the parabula’s projected trajectory with a much lower Z then needed as the end target. That way you get the floor location z by way of hit result and that’s collision based, but it’s not being checked every tick, just once.
Hello everybody,
I have issue that I can’t get curve data in packaged build
I need to get FFloatCurve from AnimationSequence, I do it next way:
FRawCurveTracks RawTracks = AnimationSequence->RawCurveData;
TArray<FFloatCurve> FloatCurves = RawTracks.FloatCurves;
Everything works fine in the editor.
You can no longer access FRawCurveTracks due to recent changes in the engine. It will work during development but packaging a shipping build causes animations to be cooked with different compressions (which you can choose) and the raw track data is no longer available.
There is a new compression codec upcoming in UE 4.24 that will preserve this data. You can either wait it out till the next release or you can store your distance curve data externally from the animation.
Do you have that presentation file? It seems the link is broken
Yes, I do.
I have sent you in private message.
*** Beep beep ***
New quick preview video, not everything are included.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
PS. I got a job as C++ Programmer Unreal Engine 4
Congrats and good luck.
What are You thinking guys?
Please note it’s still not finished.
PS. I wish all of You a happy New Year 2020 and still strive to achieve your goals and dreams, and let Cyberpunk come out without delay.
I see great work here !
Anyone still have the presentation file ? This would be great
[USER=“1047750”]Roy Jon[/USER]
I have sent you PM. Check mailbox.
Id also be interested mate, thanks
Here You go! :)
Great improvement over the last one you shared.
The only thing that seems to need a bit of adjust is the feet sliding during turns. I think the motion is just slightly too fast for the feet to seem properly planted.
Overall the female character just moves much better then the previous videos. I’m assuming you used custom animations/mocap stuff you created for it? Either way, great work.
Im still testing and improving this, but You are right, thank You @MostHostLA for your advices, they are very helpful.
No, I didn’t, these animations are default from EPIC Paragon’s Assets. I didn’t change anything.
Comparing to TwinBlast, Sparrow (it’s name for this female character) moves much better.
How are You, guys?