Distance Matching Locomotion : Giving it a shot!

I set 1 second delay after turning is started and this delay it is not used when turning is in Recovery State to be more responsive, when you want quickly change your mind.
Maybe that?

Could be, not sure of your setupā€¦ I would suggest any delay within motion is generally a bad idea though. Why not just make it so if the angle is changed the animation and rotation are immediately stopped?

Itā€™s only for testing purposes it is not final, i have some another ideas about that.
Thank you for your suggestions, i will keep it in my mind.

Next Update

  • New Feature - System selects proper Start and Stop Animation on runtime now
  • Fixed Start and Stop Animations (still more to do on Riffle State)
  • Added very basic IK Foot


Going dark for whileā€¦ :slight_smile:

Really nice job , thanks for sharing your great progress.

@ thank You very much. I really appreciate it.
The next bigger things are on the way, but I want to spend more time on these.

Hey guys!

So I tried looking at the archive links you have posted, but nothing comes up. I just receive an error. I think the links are broken. The links to the live training videos still work, though.

Anyways, I want to learn how to implement this but I donā€™t know where to start and how to set things up. I believe I understand the math behind calculating the distance (havenā€™t done calculus since my college days but I think I can hang in there :p), but Iā€™m struggling with understanding the curve and searching the anim file for the curve value. I know how to get a curve value from an anim, but how does it all sync up? What values do I place for the curve? Do I grab the curve from a blendspace? Stuff like that - stuff to help me get started in the right direction.

Here you go!

Hello everybody, didnā€™t find out-of-box solutuons and making my own now.
Here some gifs https://i.gyazo.com/6ac7dc1531282aaaā€¦9a05d36fd9.mp4

Question: how do you solve issue with speeding up when you get time from curve in start animation and second pivot animation part.
Here I getting current time from DistanceCurve and set StartPosition: http://ybex.com/d/j08uym6pp9u1aul8jsā€¦1qfkshlfd.html

P.S. with low acceleration everything fine

Sorry, but I do not clearly understand.
May you show this issue in some gifs or videos for better understanding what is going wrong?

Start animation plays much faster than it needs to be https://i.gyazo.com/62807bd35e3a3388ā€¦ed0faedb3f.mp4 it happens because I get time value for this animation from DistanceCurve to synchonize feet position (animation and real movement). Feet are syncronized but animation speed wrong.
Please, let me know if I need explain my issue somehow else. Thanks

I think it depends on your Acceleration, Deceleration, Braking Friction or Ground Friction and etc. values.
If you will set higher value for Acceleration, player character will reach his max speed quicker and will cover a start distance faster.
You can use float curve for acceleration to change his value and to be more flexible and responsive.

would you share your acceleration settings (in your case) please?

Walking Speed = 165
Walking Acceleration = 800

Running Speed = 375
Sprinting Speed = 600
Running/Sprinting Acceleration = 1200

great, do you change your acceleration by speed? (or something else)?

Just by enum of movement speed.

would you give some links for paragon turns, how did you do them? (I mean control character rotation), iā€™ll appreciate you.

I have just completed Paragon-like turn sytem Screen capture - bc0f180aefe20907ef30cb2046414dc9 - Gyazo

Here you go!

Looking nice!