Distance fields problem

hello i am using distance fields to distort the mesh around me, but i am running into a problem:

i need to fade out a distance field, by decreasing the size of a mesh driving the distance field operation, when i make the mesh smaller, the distance field gets smaller, everything is fine, BUT, when my mesh gets to like 0.2 in size, the distance field just cuts off, when i vizualize the distance field i can still see it, but when the mesh gets too small it just dosnt work, is there a way to have distance fields also work on meshes that are like 0.01 size ? because i need to fade distance fields away on objects, i do this by scaling down a masked mesh from 1 size to 0 size, is there a better way to smoothly “fade away” distance fields :smiley: ? best regards joakim

you can see the snapping happening in this video, how do i fix that? everything else works fine :slight_smile:

Hey there @Dj_fukboi! After a certain size, distance fields tend not to be detectable without increasing the Distance Field Resolution Scale in the SM settings. The more you increase it. the more expensive it will be so be careful. This only works to a certain size as well.