Distance Field Shadow Artifacts

Hi, I’m getting some strange artifacts with distance field shadows. More specifically when I place the light source very close to a surface.


Is there anything I can do about this? So far I’ve tried to up the distance field resolution on the mesh where the light hits, but that didn’t do anything. I’d really love it if I could do something about it without having to give up on DF shadows in these situations.

For me making the resolution hgiher than 1 got me an insane amount of artifacts. Don’t know why. Decreasing it back to one made it all normal again.

The documetation also states:
“Note that the light source sphere should not be intersecting the scene or it will cause artifacts.”

The editor draws the source shape of a light with yellow lines.

Hmm… the source radius was set to zero. But I tried increased it a bit and most of the artifacts disappeared. But it still looks bad, there are still some artifacts.

You could try 4.8 from GitHub, heared there will be some fixes in distance fields. Or just wait for the release.