Distance blending not working with RVT

I’m having all sorts of frustration getting distance blending to work with a landscape that is using RVT. Seems that with RVT on, the shader no longer knows where the actual camera position is. How do you make distance blending work with RVT?

Most (if not all) dynamic effects will need to be done in the main part of your material graph, not the RVT output section.

Hi! Is there any documentation on what exactly can be used in the RVT pass?
Camera position, absolute coordinates, material parameteres.

If it can use a material parameter can I
1 - use a material instanced dynamic with a vector parameter
2 - in the cpu (i.e., c++) fill that parameter at runtim with the camera position
3 - using a Runtime Virtual texture replace node, change to that parameter instaed of using camera position node

Will it work?

Best regards