Display a FPS in a 360 done


I’m using Unreal 5.3.2.

I don’t know how to explain this in English. Normally, we play a game in a flat monitor. But, I’m thinking if it is possible to show the game in a 360 dome.

It would be something VR, but, for example, inside a Planetarium Done. I don’t know if I have explained well.


I think I understand what you mean, and yes that would be possible, but not without additional C++ or plugins. You would need to render the screen in 6 different views and blend them together. Rendering that much of the screen would prevent culling from work, so it would be quite expensive on many fronts. Secondarily you would need to project this to the dome. It could look something like this:

There are other graphical tricks you could use to reduce the rendering captures and increase the FPS, but this is a huge undertaking and it would be quite complex without a good team or a lot of money.