So I trying to create a subtle displacement map for some basic looking bricks, but I am having the usual, horrible results. Jaggedness/ a silhouette that doesn’t resemble the shapes in the map in any way.
I’ve tried following tutorials closely, copying what they have in their material editor. For them, their displacement map magically works, but not for me… following each step yields different results and I’m unsure of what I’m doing wrong.
I’m new to 3D so apologies if the solution is glaringly simple
Attempt 1:
As you can see, on the default preview cube the silhouette is jagged and doesn’t really resemble bricks. The same goes for any other surfaces, and on a BSP brush it just goes mental and glitches all over the place.
Attempt 2: I tried a slightly different layout, as per reference found online, and got similar results, slightly lower values this time.
Same problems as before, no brick shapes just random spikes:
Looking through the questions on here it seems the resolution of the mesh underneath is the main problem when you see these results, so I tried out a few different meshes with different resolutions, mostly quite high. It still looks ■■■■.
I did START to see progress on a comedically high res cube, but that has other problems…
But there is no way it has to be this level of detail for a displacement map to work. My displacement map works on browser based texture previewers… so why not Unreal 4?
Thanks for any help