Displacement Flickering

Hi guys, I’m working on a floor with displacement. When i move with the viewport (also in play mode with the camera) the side of material near to the screen corner start to flickering. I tried to expand the render bounds, but didn’t work. This always happens also another mesh. Attached the material end the flicker-effects.

Flickering Effects: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SB3Uqg8Ce-WzfF5ucA4kdQZkvj8CoycB/view?usp=sharing!

Visualize the bounds to see if you boosted them enough.
it could also be due to frustrum culling when at the edge/corner, so extend x and y as well.

I have in fact the bound visibility active and I had already extended the other axes but it still does not work :frowning:

Why are you multiplying the Base Color texture (orange-ish texture at top of the grid) by a custom color of white (with alpha at 0)? I would think if the material domain is opaque (not translucent or another one), then multiplying by a white transparent color node (1, 1, 1, 0) would screw with the material logic and rendering. It could also be an issue with applying VertexNormalWS to the mesh it’s on. Perhaps something is missing from the material setup that functions to prevent the culling of vertexes in world space, or within the camera frustum’s bounds (such as at the corners).

Colors are just channels. So the alpha won’t matter.
The material setup in the image looks fine.
If its still an issue I would suggest at least attempting to turn off the tessellation to see if it stops or keeps flickering…

I just tried to take off the tassellation and without the floor stop flickering… It’s very strange and I can not find nothing online about this issue…
I have the same problem also on the Unreal terrain.

For the landscape the bounds extention works.
I use it a lot particularly with snow displacement, so I know it does.

For the mesh you have it’s kinda weird, I have literally never seen it ignore bounds extensions so it must be some other rendering issue.
say you multiply the bounds by 10 all around, the mesh should basically never be in a position to flicker at all…

Tomorrow I’ll try, thanks a lot !

Unfortunately also extending the bounds the problem persists: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nayXi_mRhLNqjrk58TqVm3_7yn68tpng/view?usp=sharing

What’s your project clip distance set to?
This is definitely a result of bad culling for whatever reason.

This is the actual value into clip plane setting

So, to recap.
the issue is not present if tessellation is off, but when enabled, it flickers despite a bounds extention in all directions and a near clip plane value of 3.0?

Can you extract the level from the project (move to a new project), delete everything except the tiles with their material, and package it for sharing? (Not package as in publish, but just copy/zip the project. The settings are needed as well).

With that, you can either share here for anyone to check, or share directly with Epic in a bug report.

I can’t say I’m able to replicate this behaviour however, so it must be a combination of settings (and maybe when you move it to a new project the issue may disappear).