Disguise low res shadows

Im making a small game (I wish i could fit under 2GB) but I need to use static lighting, but theres a problem, I cant use high resolution lightmaps, because of their filesize. But low-res shdowmaps are ugly, so is there way to smooth them out? Like some shadow filtering? I mean - look for example at BSP brushes, you can have very low shadowmap resolution, yes it will maybe look incorrect and blobby, but not pixelated. So is there a way to use same method for static meshes, or smooth them out?

Put both direction and skylight on stationary. Build light. Then in the directional details set dynamic shadow distance movable light to about 1200.

Then, you get dynamic shadows within the distance 1200 units and static for everything outside that. So you can keep the ugly shadows out of harms way :slight_smile:

Brilliant I will definitly try it, but I have large part of my level in office buildings which has large part of it illuminated just from rectangular ceiling lights, which are owerlaping (I cant turn radius down because in that case light wont reach floor), so I cant turn them to stationary. But thnx very much, for outside areas its great solution.

Yes, I meant directonal light only. Those indoor overhead lights will stay moveable I assume. Anyway, it’s the shadow distance, not the light radius :wink: It’s a setting that’s specific only to the directional light.

EDIT: You could make those ceiling light dynamic by tuning the ‘max draw distance’ and ‘max distance fade’. That way, they’re only doing something when you’re in a particular room.