Building Tools - plugin for quick construction of buildings and furniture.
I will wiread all your review. It is very important to me. Please write your opinion. Tell me what you want to add. This will help make the plugin better !
I am always ready for communication and proposals.
**[SIZE=28px]Buy plugin on ** Gumroad (UE 16 - 19)[/SIZE]
Thank you so much ! Have a good day!
P.S. I been worked many of time with plugin for modular buildings. But when I start finale test, I find one more problem. UE4 is very bad working with modular buildings.
My post about it: post.
Just picked up the tool and I like it so far. Going to be writing a review of this tool as soon as I got the hang of it.
Also just a heads up - You will want to fix the materials for the free example Content. Migrate the folder with the sample content to a blank .uproject.
I am making the assumption that the materials for the meshes are not messed up on your end. They just need to be migrated to a .uproject and not be in a zipped up content folder with out the .uproject.
Here is an example of what is going on with all the example meshes.