Disappearing movement widget

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



My move / rotate / resize widget has disappeared and I am forced to move meshes numerically. Idk if there’s a hidden setting or something, but noone seems to have an answer.

Steps to Reproduce

I don’t think it can be reproduced.

Expected Result

No movement widget

Observed Result



pc windows 10

Island Code



Try this: Window → Load Layout → Default Editor Layout

If that doesn’t work, try enabling ‘Enable Combined Translate/Rotate Widget’ in project settings.

If that doesn’t work please send an image of what your screen looks like when you have something selected.

Also, It’s probably not the issue, but try pressing G to go in and out of ‘Game Mode View’ (even with Game Mode on, you’d still see the widget when selecting objects)

I saw the same issue last week, so please let me know if any of those solve it for you.

1 Like

THATS WORKED! Thank you so much :slight_smile: it’s been driving me crazy

Haha, glad to hear it worked, but please @Unlukky let me know which step solved it for you!!!