Disallowed object with cinematic device and sequencer bug and work around

I created a vault opening Level Sequence using the Fortilla closed vault door (cinematics–>new sequence). I then added a transform with key frames to show the door opening. I then added the Level Sequence to a cinematic device under User Options—>Sequence. When I push the changes I get: “Found disallowed object type /Game/Environments/Apollo/Sets/Vaults/Meshes/Vaults_Door.Vaults_Door”

However, if I add the Level Sequence to the cinematic device immediately after creating it. BEFORE I add an actor or anything else and then push the changes it uploads okay. And then I go back and add the closed door, the vault door and then a transform with key frames on the vault door and push those changes it works.

It should not matter if you add it to the cinematic device at the start or end, seems like a bug to me.

Same here, I think it’s a bug with it.

solutions with it? i have the same bug