Hi! I’m trying to make a very inmersive game, with a main character that talks with the player. The character is terrified with the possibility that player closes the game. By this reason I want to control how the player closes the game itself, disabling keybindings like alt+f4 to close the game or alt+tab to change window. It can be sound like something malicious but is only a game design decission that I would like to implement if it is possible. Do you know any option to disabling this system keys? In blueprints if it’s possible. Or maybe in console? Thanks!
You can’t disable Alt+F4 and Alt + Tab as they are a part of Windows.
If your game freezes or crashes, then you need a way to force quit the game without needing to your task manager and close Windows
(Old thread, adding a reply anyway in case anyone else runs into this thread.)
For Alt+F4 this post explains how to disable it, so apparently that’s actually possible: