Disable VDB culling


I have a Heterogeneous Actor with material showing an imported VDB in unreal 5.3

At a distance, the loaded volume starts to disappear, which I do not want.
The vdb must be visible at any distance.

I have disabled the occlusion culling in the rendering settings but no luck.
Also checked the “Never Distance cull” in the Heterogeneous Actor settings.

Thanks in advance for the suggestions.

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I have found it

r.HeterogeneousVolumes.MaxTraceDistance 1000000 (or any big number)


Hello, I’m a very beginner, where do I change this? On a code page? I use blueprints

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it’s a Console Command. you can open the console in editor using ` key (above the Tab key). Alternatively you can use the Execute Console Command blueprint node too.


Thank you very much, solved it!

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Do you know how to do this for runtime? The game plays well in editor - but the built game culls the volumetric clouds. Thank you!

You can use the Execute Console Command node to do it in runtime, like on Begin Play of a Game Mode.

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[quote=“kuszi, post:2, topic:1307815, username:kuszi”]
r.HeterogeneousVolumes.MaxTraceDistance 1000000
[/quote] @Extrone

This did not seem to work. Any other suggestions?

This is from “Begin Play” of the game mode.

I don’t know anything about the command itself, just how to execute it. sorry :sweat_smile:

OK, thanks.

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@kuszi thank you, It worked!!!