Disable motion blur

Hello! For some reason I keep getting motion blur even after setting the player camera’s motion blur value to 0. Since I saw no change in this, I also added an unbounded post processing volume and set it’s motion blur value to 0 but I keep getting those annoying object trails.

Is there any way to fix this? Its annoying and looks weird…

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Hello VXDLL,

I managed to remove motion blur on my project so I put pictures of my settings below.

I hope it will help you a bit.

On player’s camera, I unchecked amount.

Settings on the player’s camera :


I also added a post process volume as component in player’s blueprint.

Settings on post process volume :


There is also a setting in the project settings, I did not change it but maybe you can take a look.
It is in Engine/Rendering section.

Project Settings :


Hope it will help.

Have a nice day.


Sadly I still get the annoying object trails… I even disabled motion blur in the project settings! Idk what to do…

I am sorry, I don’t know where this can come from.

If you have a post process volume in the level, the camera needs to be inside it so the effects can be applied.

Sorry for not being helpful.

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Hello again,

I tried on a new project, and with Anti Aliasing set to FXAA and motion blur disabled in the project settings I get rid of the weird motion blur. ( And motion blur disabled on post process volume and camera )


OMG I LOVE YOU! The AA set to FXAA finally fixed it! Thank you!

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Awesome =D

Happy I helped you.

Have a nice day.

PS. Don’t forget to mark as answered.

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