DirectX Feature level 10 is required to run the engine?

One thing I find intriguing is that this question popped up on AH 3 times in the last week which is a tad uncommon. I wonder if this is related to the engine updates. The old issues I mentioned point towards nNvidia cards rather than AMD’s side of things.

If you have the stamina and time, could you install v4.24 and see if this issue is present?

If you hit Win + x and go to the Device Manager, can you see both cards under Display Adapter?

Whats next?

This is an ancient issue that used to manifest on machines with multiple GPUs, where the engine failed to recognise a dedicated GPU and erroneously try to run on the integrated one.

The last time I saw this was years ago. I was under the impression the engine updates fixed this for good. Apparently that’s not the case.

I’ll try to crawl some old threads and see what I can find and report back one way or another. Unfortunately I have no next step for you to follow at the moment.

Ok then. Thanks for your help!

Sure, its downloading now

How did it go?

Sorry for the late response. Turns out my graphics software and drivers were corrupt. I completely removed the and installed it again, and that fixed the problem. Thanks for your help.

Wicked, thanks for the update!

Yeah, sorry it was late. Thanks so much for your help :slight_smile:

If you read the thread, you’ll find out that OP had another, dedicated GPU - but the drivers were outdated.