Director Tools

Hello everyone!
We are excited to announce that Director Tools version 1.0 is out now!


What is the Director Tools?

The Director Tools is a powerful plugin, that helps you to create stunning 3D animations, game cutscenes, short stories or even full movies inside Unreal Engine 4. From simple object movement and skeletal mesh animation to complex material parameters and advanced camera manipulation - this plugin provides everything that you need to feel like a movie director.

Check out feature overview video:

For more detailed plugin features visit our website:

Get started now!

We prepared several videos to help you get started. Visit our official YouTube channel and check them out!

ads.png](DirectorTools Official - YouTube)


Quick features videos:

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Get Director Tools now

](Director Tools)

Gumroad link:


If you got any questions, contact us:

Found a bug? Do you have problems with the plugin? Let us know:

Director Tools version 1.0 is compatible with Unreal Engine 4.9 and 4.10.
The plugin is PC only.

The Director Tools team

Looks really cool!

Got a question: can the animations be used in a game? Not like a rendered movie, but like an asset which can be started playing from blueprints?

Currently, it’s not possible. You can’t trigger DirectorTools timeline from level or any Blueprint now. We disabled DirectorTools Blueprints nodes, as the plugin doesn’t support project packaging. It would work in Editor only. However, It will be possible in the upcoming releases.

Be sure this is made very clear to users.

We are aware that a lot of users would like to use our plugin in their games, or any other standalone applications. That’s why “Cooked Project Support”, or Custom Blueprints Nodes have high priority for us.
Everyone who purchased the plugin will get a free upgrade once a new version is released. We will also support compatibility with new Unreal Engine versions as soon as possible.

This could be essential to my pipeline… I’m using Unreal to render out to AfterEffects.

For me, the absolutely must-have feature of Director Tools is render movies or image sequences with alpha channel for transparency.

Is this already there, or is it planned?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hi WhiteNorthStar,
Glad you asked. Director Tools allows you to export additional “Custom Depth Mask” render pass (please check out this video for more details: ), which is exactly what you need. Transparency mask is also supported. This render pass uses Unreal Engine’s Buffer Visualization, so you need to prepare your scene/materials first. Enable “Render CustomDepth Pass” checkbox for all objects you want to mask out. Translucent materials must use “Separate Translucency” to be visible in the export. The output is a gray scale mask, where 100% white is a value of 1.0 in the Opacity input. Any opaque objects will always output a 100% white mask.

Here’s a scene setup:


And a quick export test:


Both a statue and a glass in the background have “Separate Translucency” checked.

Note that only image sequence output format allows you to export additional Render Passes. To learn more about exporting in the Director Tools, watch this video:


Hello everyone!

Director Tools ver. 1.0.1 is out! Get a free upgrade on Gumroad (Link)

What’s new

  • Particle parameter tracks

Bug fixes:

  • Global Event track’s Keyframe has various interpolation modes (should always be set to “Constant”)
  • DT Tracks are lost when objects is replaced (RMB->Replace Selected Actor With). Undo doesn’t bring tracks back
  • Object duplication with tracks works only for one controller.
  • Blueprint track gets deleted once “Editable” variable is enabled
  • After Pasting transform tracks to object, Undo doesn’t bring all values back properly.

Does this support blending between animations?

Not yet. However, it’s already on our roadmap. You can follow the progress here: Trello
Currently, we are testing Sequence Editor tool, which is going to be added in version 1.1.

Ok, that’s the killer feature that’d make us abondan Matinee instantly. I subscribed to your newsletter and waiting for this feature :slight_smile:

Great. We will keep you posted!

Does MP4 export include audio?

No, it captures only the image. In upcoming 1.1 DT version, you will be able to add an Audio Track, load any sound, and export it as a separate WAV file.

New Tutorial


We’ve prepared a short video tutorial on how to use Director Tool for camera animation.

Director Tools ver. 1.1 Released

Big update

Director Tools ver. 1.1 is out! Grab a free upgrade on Gumroad (Link)

What’s new

  • Sequence Editor

](DT Tutorial: Sequence Editor - YouTube)

Watch video: Sequence Editor Tutorial

Bug fixes:

  • Undo/Redo is not working properly with all tracks.
  • Crash when duplicating duplicated object with base object tracks (Blueprints)
  • Object duplication works with one controller only.

More info:

Good work! :slight_smile:


Hello everyone!
We got a lot of requests and questions about Director Tools demo version… so here it is! You can download and test our plugin for free!

More info:

That’s sooo cool, thanks DT Team! :cool:

Are there any limitations of Director tools demo?