Directional light completely ignores multiple thick walls

Directional light completely ignores multiple thick walls

In blender I made a hollow box(room) with thick walls and i duplicated and incased the room 3 times so the inner most room has 6 walls around it on every side but directional light is still completely ignoring every wall. Each box is illuminated exactly the same…
This happens when I try to import it to a new project aswell…

What settings am I supposed to change to make directional light respect walls?

heres a link to my blend file if you could check it out in blender and try it unreal engine i would be so grateful

I think you might find if you make a wall, which you use in engine to make the room. That will work.

UE is much better at lighting modular environments.

Hi I’ve seen you around many times when googleing questions.

So I started a new project and when I use the objects in the world outliner playground folder called “sm_cube” to create a box it works, completely dark.

But when I add a bunch of white cubes from the dropdown menu and transform them to create a box it doesn’t block any light at all - same issue as my imported object.

I’m trying to figure out what the difference is but there are a lot of different settings. could you point me in the right direction?

EDIT: sorry I didn’t fully understand what you meant the first few times I read that since I’m new to Blender and UE. I will make a simple modular wall tomorrow and see how it goes in UE, fingers crossed. Thanks

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It should work with the default cube. But try with your single wall from Blender, that should also be ok :slight_smile:

TLDR verified UE files, fixed now.

After you told me it should work with the default cube I did more research and decided to verify unreal engine files to reset everything. I don’t know what changed but I’m pleased to say everything works perfectly now including all my imported objects.

I was also getting an error whenever I panned inside any wall cavity on any project “Your scene contains a skydome mesh with a sky material but it does not cover that part of the screen”. I don’t know if this was the cause of the directional light issue I was having or something seperate but this is now also fixed.

Thanks for narrowing it down for me. :blush:

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