Hi, I just found a very weird behavior with the light system that was not present in any previous version, seems like a big bug.
My procedure to check this out is simple: create a blank scene. Add a box to see the shadows of the box.
In UE4.x (till 4.19) you can move, rotate, change the type or add any other directional light. In UE4.21 and 4.22 by rotating or changing the light type (to movable for instance) makes the shadows not to display correctly anymore and the whole light system starts to behave very weirdly.
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I’m getting weird shadow issues too on 4.21.2. I can get a build to display the shadows, especially the ambient occlusion. but as soon as I touch my mouse to move, the shadows go away. If I package the project I can get see the intended lighting.
I have a Dell laptop with Nvidia M3000. I thought it was something with my system.