Hi all,
I’m working on achieving N64-inspired graphics in Unreal Engine. So far, thanks to an asset pack called Pre-Digital, I was able to implement a CRT-filter with scan lines as a post-processing effect. The pack can be found here: PreDigital by 4loup
One key aspect that makes N64 games look the way they do, is a blur that’s applied to the existing anti-aliasing. According to RetroRGB, “the N64 hardware itself ads a horizontal blur feature that also softens the image”. N64 Blur | RetroRGB
I was wondering if anyone knows the best way to create a directional blur as a post processing effect. So far, I have found solutions such as using a spiral blur or a gaussian blur - but obviously they are not constrained to one axis.
A great N64-inspired game example that managed to include a directional blur is The Snow of Basidia. It is made in Unity. The Snow of Basidia by Modus Interactive
Wishing you all best of luck with your own game-related projects!