Difficulty passing a rotation into Control Rig via C++

I am working on procedural animation and rotations and Control Rig have gotten so confusing and difficult I am not sure how to proceed or debug any further.

I am trying to pass in a look rotation that Control Rig then animates to have the pawn look at the target. To be clear, I already have this working in two different ways. For the first, I have player mouse input passing a rotation to a helper function that then sets the variable in the Anim Instance (used by Control Rig). I thought I had a huge breakthrough here, but was then put in my place immediately by the next hurdle…

I then built a “random search” routine on a timer that picks a random vector for the pawn to look in, converts to a rotation, and then pass to control rig. HOWEVER…for some reason I cannot use my helper function for this, or it doesn’t work.

Now, for the point at which I am totally stuck; getting the pawn to look at a target. This, now, seems like a THIRD different way I must fight with control rig rotations. Absolutely nothing is working. I cannot get the pawn to even remotely look at the target, despite using roughly the same concepts for all of it, and the same control rig function.

If anyone has any ideas, I would be very grateful.