Different PathingGrid and PointsGrid in EQS

Hello, when I use EQS, I find we have 2 grid generator: pathingGrid and PointsGrid. But I don’t know their difference. Their result seems same:
Here is PathingGrid:

Here is Points:Grid:

Thank you!

Hi, it seems to me that PathingGrid is the same as SimpleGrid set to use navigation as Trace Mode with a PathExists test added to the query. Also PathingGrid seems to always filter by navmesh, whereas SimpleGrid only by default filters by the navmesh but you can also filter by collision, or not at all.
So for example in your second image with the PointsGrid, if you would set the Trace Mode in the generator to None, then you would get more points, cause right now it only includes points on the Navmesh.

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Thank you very much!