Different material by texture possible?

Hi guys,
Im currently trying to make a airplane material. However, the varnish looks “ok” (could need help with that as well).
But now I dont want the effect of the varnish to be applied to the windows of the plane.
Is it possible to exclude that effect from the windows by using a black/white texture e.g?
And can I have a different effect for the windows that way (asign a different material for them by texture)?
I know that I could model the windows and apply a material in blender, but Im not that good at modeling and want to try it that way first.

Thank you for your help!

Hey -

All you need here is your black and white texture mask connected to the Alpha input of a LERP node. Here is some documentation on using LERP, Math Material Expressions in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation.

Let me know if you need further help -

Eric Ketchum