I’ve made a custom AnimNode and AnimGraphNode based on LayeredBoneBlend and managed to get it to work. I tried making a child class, but it was giving me all sorts or cryptic error messages so I gave up and just copied them and made the changes I needed. However, there is one section that I could not figure out how to get working and I don’t understand what is happening. This class uses an unusual syntax. I can compile, run, and package the project with the modifications below, but I’m both curious about what’s happening and concerned this will give me a headache in the future.
Here is original code in question:
class UAnimGraphNode_LayeredBoneBlend : public UAnimGraphNode_BlendListBase
// Adds a new pose pin
//@TODO: Generalize this behavior (returning a list of actions/delegates maybe?)
ANIMGRAPH_API virtual void AddPinToBlendByFilter();
ANIMGRAPH_API virtual void RemovePinFromBlendByFilter(UEdGraphPin* Pin);
void UAnimGraphNode_LayeredBoneBlendChild::AddPinToBlendByFilter()
FScopedTransaction Transaction(LOCTEXT("AddPinToBlend", "AddPinToBlendByFilter"));
To get this working I have to make the following modifications:
class MYEDITORMODULE_API UAnimGraphNode_LayeredBoneBlendCustom : public UAnimGraphNode_BlendListBase
// Adds a new pose pin
//@TODO: Generalize this behavior (returning a list of actions/delegates maybe?)
virtual void AddPinToBlendByFilter();
virtual void RemovePinFromBlendByFilter(UEdGraphPin* Pin);
void UAnimGraphNode_LayeredBoneBlendCustom::AddPinToBlendByFilter()
//FScopedTransaction Transaction(LOCTEXT("AddPinToBlend", "AddPinToBlendByFilter"));
void UAnimGraphNode_LayeredBoneBlendCustom::RemovePinFromBlendByFilter(UEdGraphPin* Pin)
(I also have to comment out any references to FScopedTransaction or FBlueprintEditorUtils here to get it to compile.)
FScopedTransaction Transaction(LOCTEXT(“AddPinToBlend”, “AddPinToBlendByFilter”))
with ANIMGRAPH_API removed from AddPinToBlendByFilter/RemovePinFromBlendByFilter generates the following output:
Output: “… error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol …”
Error: “Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error (active) E0020 identifier “UK2Node_CallFunction” is undefined Main D:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.26\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Public\Kismet2\BlueprintEditorUtils.h 340”
If I leave ANIMGRAPH_API in front of them I get:
Output: “error C2487: ‘AddPinToBlendByFilter’: member of dll interface class may not be declared with dll interface”
Error: “Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error (active) E1393 a member of a class declared with dllexport/dllimport cannot itself be declared with such a specifier …”
a) Can someone help me understand what is happening? Am I missing a module or something? Am I missing a header file include?
Here is my build.cs module includes:
new string[]
Here are my header includes:
h file includes
#include “CoreMinimal.h”
#include “UObject/ObjectMacros.h”
#include “AnimGraphNode_BlendListBase.h”
cpp file includes
#include “ToolMenus.h”
#include “Kismet2/BlueprintEditorUtils.h”
#include “GraphEditorActions.h”
#include “ScopedTransaction.h”
b) What does it mean to include the API in front of a function declaration (i.e. ANIMGRAPH_API virtual void AddPinToBlendByFilter();). Is that a weird way of inheriting from another API/Class?
c) What is MINIMAL_API, why is that used in this AnimGraphNode instead of the ANIMGRAPH_API?