[DEVLOG] Project 'Caillou' - The first game inspired by New Caledonia

My girlfriend is going to love this game so much. And me too :smiley:

By the way, that interactive foliage, was that very difficult to create?

We hope so ! :smiley:

The interactive foliage was a bit tricky to get right- it spawns skeletal meshes to replaces foliages instances based on player distance and spawns the instances back when far enough, we also take the field of view into account so that skeletal meshes change back to instances faster if you donā€™t look at them, this helps improve performance.

We want to go the extra mile to make our environments feel really alive.

ā€œCaillouā€ is a copyright and trademark of a Tv cartoon show.

It sounds really complicated indeed, but itā€™s an interesting approach for sure.

This is great, in my opinion it is details like that making a game feel really immersive. Even though the players may not even notice it consciously, they will unconsciously. I think attention to detail always pays off. :slight_smile:

I adore the brightness and palate of this game. Very wind waker in its tonality and feel.

Thank you :o

WIP day/night cycle

Is this sky system custom made, by yourself? None of the systems available here look like that.

Yep itā€™s custom made, I fiddled around with some existing solutions but couldnā€™t find quite what I was looking for so I ended up doing it myself.

Are you considering to sell the system after you release your game? Because itā€™s definitely the best looking sky system by far, and all the other solutions out there are really more of a disappointment.

I would definitely buy it, even just for learning how to do that. :slight_smile:

I hadnā€™t thought about it to be honest! Itā€™s fairly simple stuff (so far, Iā€™m planning on improving on it) but if thereā€™s interest Iā€™ll definitely consider it, yes :slight_smile:

Fire FX & Lighting

WIP Active ragdoll

Thatā€™s great to hear :slight_smile: also, if youā€™re to busy for making it a complete marketplace asset (with support and all that), you could also sell a tutorial on how to make it - on gumroad for example.

By the way, the last two gifs look great !

Iā€™ll consider that too :slight_smile: Thanks for the suggestion and the kind words :o

Nice work! Your environment looks really neat, and your reactive grass system is awesome + french dev is uncommon on unreal :wink:

Merci beaucoup ! :smiley:

More active ragdoll

That looks like it hurt, poor girl :stuck_out_tongue:

Underwater Post-process