I think nope.
This is happening to me as well, extremely frustrating. It seems to happen every time I push an update to my map, which prevents me from ever making changes in the map it seems like at this point. Nothing I have tried so far, or that some others have mentioned above as possible solutions has seemed to fix this issue.
I have one of my fab assets now in the unreal vault, but then the next issue comes forward, that i am now getting errors on like the materials that are not allowed etc. Everything that i had planned for the map and stuff that i purchased has became useless, but no answers as to why this is happening. The other option that someone said by removing referenced content, yeah that works, remove it, push changes, go to another version and you have your stuff back but exactly what you just said, push changes and it all just keeps coming back. I do not know who to scream at anymore. But i am in the middle of the process for looking at legal support since fab content is purchased, many threads later en still no answers, and i see more and more people having the same issue, but who ever closed the first thread saying duplicate has their head in a bucket, and should not have closed the thread with out any sort of explanation. Other threads or not being responded on, also other threads by other people are not being resolved. So we are spending money to earn money, we are pushed to purchased more expensive packs, so we have that in the unreal engine vault, only to have completely different issue with that and it still becomes useless. Yeah i am at the end of my rope here, so im searching for legal help, so much time wasted and money wasted and we are just being pushed in a corner without any form of communication. ( sorry for the rant - i am so fed up with this - so many are struggling with the same issue and epic is just not listening )
I can relate to the frustration of facing similar issues. I had been working on a project for three months without any major problems. However, everything turned into a nightmare right after downloading version 29.00 . I went through all kinds of grieving scenarios
and wasted three weeks trying to fix these issues.
Make sure you don’t have Epic launcher or uefn Running, double check on task manager, you need to remove Referenced Folder of Fab, by going to your File Explore remove it and Restart your computer. If you do it while Uefn running or epic launcher is open the revision control will bring it back or will not let it remove completely.
Other issues that I encountered after managing to have all of assets back to Revision control.
if you migrated folders from an old project to a new one This led to conflicts in revision control between the folders of the two projects. By keeping only one project and removing the migrated folders, I was able to resolve that issue, and things seemed to be running normally again. Duplicating Projects can lead to having issues in revision control from my experience.
Do you get it all back by going back to a different version in revision control? So you have your island open with that error ( the island contains invalid actors ) you closed everything off, then removed the referenced folder and restarted the pc right? So when you then opened your project, the error is gone right? But whenever i then re add fab content, it just starts all over again. It goes fine for a day or two and the boom, its back, sometimes just after a couple of hours after pushing changes. I started over and over, only added fab content, and it still happens. I have scratched my head over and over if it is something i am doing, but i have done other projects the same way, and never had any issues. I need to update one of my projects however, which has fab content, i am ot scared to go and that i will encouter the same error, then the whole map is just done for. Could you be so kind to tell me the exact steps you take? Do you or do you not get your version back from revision control?
Do you get it all back by going back to a different version in revision control?
Yes, if you had the revision Control enable you can go back to a specific version that you believe that you had all of your Asset located Everything should be there, it gives you a list of assets you add to that version.
Make sure that you read document that Fortnite has for the revision control. The revision Control always need to be sync to latest version to be able to edit. If you not in Latest, you can cause a conflict.
Unreal Revision Control | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)
Conflicts in Unreal Revision Control | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)
Unreal Revision Control Command Line Interface | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)
[Restoring Backups in Unreal Engine Fortnite - YouTube] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RIhrg6DgKo&t=265s) This video gives a guide of Control command line.
you closed everything off, then removed the referenced folder and restarted the pc, right?
So, when you then opened your project, the error is gone right?
yes, the main problem is Fab reference file goes into state of in-use or read only file. which locks folder and any asset save in the folder, So The revision control cannot write too. I saw this in my PowerShell.
if you re-add Fab file you will continue with same error, my suggestion is for you to stay away from any Fab file to Epic fix it. I haven’t figure way around it. I will do some test in new project to figure out a way around It my project relies on them.
“Update one of my projects however, which has fab content, i am scared to go and that i will encouter the same error.”
Yes, you will encounter this error, it happens to me: expressionless:
Just follow My previous Comment this YouTube video give a guide how to restore to previous version of revision Control Which part of documentation of Epic Control command line interface.
Thank your for all the info, i actually have seen that you tube video.
Just by removing the fab content and just restarting uefn, everything comes back, including fornite assets themselves.
I have searched and searched what the cause could be as to why this happening the moment you add fab content.
The whole issue is lying there, and this was not a issue at all before the last update in January.
So whatever they have done within that update has completely messed that up! Cause yeah indeed, even opening opening up on of your published projects with fab content is now at risk. And yet, epic still doesnt think this is a issue/problem at all and will close off every single thread i have seen of people i have seen with the same issue. yeah or just remove your fab content and you should be good to go. But we bloody paid for it, and can not use it at all. And nothing is being done about it, it is a complete money scam now for people to purchase the vault fab content and migrated from unreal engine, which also comes with its own issues!
And yeah i can not say this enough, epic still does not see a problem here!
This all started in January, it is bloody April now.