Development server throws an exception in FBufferReaderBase::Serialize

Hey all, i have a weird issue since i started using a game instance implemented in C++ and not blueprint

  1. When i launch via UnrealEditor.exe MyProject.uproject -log -server the Init() override of my game instance is not called, maybe it’s because its using the wrong game session?
  2. When i launch via {DebugGame/Development} Server in VS or Rider i get LogAssetRegistry: Error: Failed to load premade asset registry. LoadResult == 1 followed by Assertion failed: ReaderPos + Num <= ReaderSize [File:C:\Unreal\UE\UE\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Serialization\BufferReader.h] [Line: 52]. When i hit “continue” it does the same thing but with a ReaderPos increased by 2. Going up the call stack shows me it is trying to load the file /Engine/Content/EngineMaterials/WorldGridMaterial.uasset. My engine is source built, i have tried to replace it with the file in the 5.5.1 version i download from epic games launcher, to no success.

The main issue is 2, but i think the two are linked. I have had the exact same issue with another game instance class, so i made a new one, only to get this issue when i started adding code.
Happy new year and please help :slight_smile:

This guy appears to have had a somewhat similar issue

i’m still on this btw, considering submitting a bug report