Problem With Premade Asset Registry When Trying To Start A Built Development Server

[2024.07.02-23.20.21:277][ 0]LogAssetRegistry: Error: Failed to load premade asset registry. LoadResult == 1.
[2024.07.02-23.20.21:277][ 0]LogStreaming: Display: FlushAsyncLoading(1): 1 QueuedPackages, 0 AsyncPackages
[2024.07.02-23.20.21:277][ 0]LogPackageLocalizationCache: Processed 44 localized package path(s) for 1 prioritized culture(s) in 0.000117 seconds
[2024.07.02-23.20.32:141][ 0]Message dialog closed, result: Ok, title: Serialization Error : Action Needed, text: Corrupt data found, please verify your installation.
[2024.07.02-23.20.32:150][ 0]LogWindows: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: CurrentPos + Count <= TotalSizeOrMaxInt64IfNotReady() [File:C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3_Source\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading.cpp] [Line: 8478]
Seeked past end of file /Engine/EngineResources/DefaultTexture (33930 / 33926)

As said, this is a problem I’m having when I’m trying to start a development server of my game. The build worked fine, a couple of warnings but no errors, and now this shows up. I have been able to duct tape a solution for the second error, but if anyone knows an actual fix for that, that would be great. A bit more info, this is using the 5.3.2 source build of unreal, and I have changed some of the files in the engine folder (I have done this: Error compiling the Automation Tool after updating Visual Studio today (Unreal 5.3.2) - #18 by so_toasty) to help with some other errors. Any help would be incredibly apreciated!

I got the same thing as you minus some log lines. Did you manage to fix it?