Dev Log Assault Map - Cleverlike Studios


We have been working on an Assult Map, it’s essentially a PvPvE Raid-style game.

2 teams
3 classes

  • Tank
  • Healer
  • DPS

Map is split down the center. Each team must fight through a series of creature spawners, mini boss, optional boss, and the final boss to win.

Once the optional boss and the first set of creature spawners are eliminated each team can then teleport to the other side to engage in PVP.

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We’ve created an area for the final boss that has a force field that will drop once all the creature spawners have been eliminated (9 on each team).

The force field is build from an dome mesh, and a Niagara particle system that uses the mesh as the spawn location for the particles.

Static Mesh

Niagara System

The area becomes accessible only when a score counter registers that the phase 2 creature spawners are eliminated.

The material has its attributes exposed in the sequencer so we can animate them as well.


The boss has 3 different abilities. One is a set of fire walls that will damage the player. To achieve this we are using the sequencer to animate the location of damage volumes and NS (Niagara systems) across the playing field.

One of the issues we ran into was that when we parent the NS under the Damage Volume Device the NS lost its ability to be scaled. The NS became a little ball of flame and didn’t respect the cube used as the particle locations. To get around this we just copy and pasted the animation keyframes to NS.

Another issue was that when animating FN props, or blueprints they would only animate once in game. To get around this animated static meshes. We also found that if a player jumps from one of the animated FN props/BP actors, they get launched.
See Bug Report:


Currently working to create an area made of Content Library assets that don’t allow the creatures to walk thru them…

See Bug Report:



Started replacing some of the placeholder art with stuff from the Content Library. The gate seen below was a blue block. Also created some NS art along the bottom of gates and doors as actors are activated by events in the game.

One of the major benefits of using emitters as children is that their properties can be altered and used differently in parent systems. In this case, we are using the emitters that will create rocks and smoke. These emitters have been tweaked slightly in each of the systems. In the case of the smoke, it now looks like dust.

The little rocks in the emitter were created in ZBrush. Because creating organic rocks in ZBrush takes like 60 seconds.


Mrwoar! This is so awesome! Sounds like a MOBA without the creature creep. I love the VFX shield, top notch stuff!

Thanx. Our designer has been hard at work on the game design, he’s got a vision and we want to make it come true. Appricate the praise. :slight_smile:


Began work on creating a UI that players can use to choose their teams. And really looking forward to adding in all the art! (hint, hint, textures and materials, hint in UI, hint hint…)

Anyways, here is a working prototype.

Link to the Tutorial we started with.

Link to the Getting started questions.

Verse file prototype:
VS_UI_AddingAWidget.verse (2.8 KB)

Experience Settings:

UPDATE: Got it working

Pushed this further and was able to create a second device that allows players to choose a class.

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Updated the art for the sneek-a-ports. Once the a team has eliminated the optional boss, they can attack the opposing team in an effort to slow them down. Thus allowing their team to eliminate the final boss.

Each boss has their own little encampment. Below you can see the Mini-Boss for Team A.

Teams are chosen from a floating Island that overlooks the entire map.

We had to come up with a tricky way to add grass to the floating Island, as it does not made of a landscape terrain. For this we used Niagara.

We ran into some issues when dealing with the UI (team select and class select) and had to use a trick to deal with it. Bug Report can be found here.

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Excellent visual description on the Verse UI!

Thanx, my art brain doesn’t compute curly braces as fast as some you super humans. :stuck_out_tongue:

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NOTE: for v24.00 the Creature Spawners meshes are now gone in Engine. (bug report) They do still show up in game though. Also, we are using a barrier device as the sky, it also went away. Fixed it after posting this, by selecting it and reassigning the material.

Been working hard on UI for the player. Hit a few roadblocks and working through them. Log of progress here, the videos show the process and the verse code has been added for reference. (Note: Verse files are using API pre v24.00)

The environment has gotten quite a bit more love. Trees, bridges, subtle vfx, audio, etc. (note lighting and sky are not final)

Added some magic to the rock bridge, audio still pending.

We created custom Niagara System, and also used the modeling and sculpting tools to create the base shape for the cyclone.

Paths have been added to lead player. This was done by creating custom landscape materials.

A small touch, changed the color of the beacons that guide players.

The boss arenas got an overhaul. We had to use Forninte Assets. We had tried using Sketchfab assets, but the creatures would walk through them. To fix this we added blocking volumes, but this created a problem too. When the player would stand on the blocking volumes, the creatures couldn’t figure out where the player was and would just stand still. So, ya know, that was a way to create easy mode. Pew, pew from a safe distance. I could see how this could be used to keep the player safe if they were at/in a shop though…

Updated the animations for the boss firewall attack. (audio pending)

NOTE: Let us know how in-depth you would like to see tutorials on this stuff. We have a growing list. :slight_smile:

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For this part of our Dev Log, we want to offer you a course on how to build this in UEFN. Don’t worry we will continue to post here as the map updates.

Introducing Cleverlike Creative School for UEFN content creators.

Epic Games’ UEFN allows you to take your Fortnite Creative skills to the next level. Come see how you can take your FNC skills to the next level, and if you are new to the Fortnite Creative scene we have you covered. This course will get you up and running so you can roll with the pros!