DetourCrowdAiController and player

Hello to all,

I come to you has I’m facing an issue, I’m trying to create a RTS like game from the top down template.

I managed to understand how to make AI avoid each other. But when trying to understand how i can make the player pawn be registered in that crowd controller (so the ai will avoid the player and the player will avoid the AI).

But I can’t find the solution in Blueprint, is that possible ? Because every answer I found on the forum talked about C++.

I tried to add the interface talked about in the tutorials or thread directly in the class setting of my player. But sadly it doesn’t seem to be that simple.

I think there may be something related to Cast to AiDetourCrowdController but I can’t find by myself what would be the object and how to register the player.

Tried to find in the crowd manager settings in the Project settings, but nothing hit me as my solution.

Any idea on this fellow blueprint devs :slight_smile: ?

Ty and my apologies if the answer can already be found on the forum or on youtube, I swear I tried to find it !
