Deterministic animations

I’d like to make frames rendered by a movie sequencer as deterministic, as possible. I analyzed sources of a random behavior and found the following scene elements to be the most troublesome:

  • Particle systems
  • Plants
  • Water.

As for particle systems, it turned out it’s possible to fix seeds in Cascade editor, so determinism is easy. But that about the latter two actor categories?

I looked inside the blueprints used in a couple of scenes and found there is a large sophisticated blueprint graph for materials used by that actors. Although the graph is large, the only source of input seem to be Time() and WindVector() nodes. Since I get wildly different frames each time I restart the rendering, I assume the underlying dynamics is not fixed on rendering start and state is probably stored in some global objects.

Are my guesses true? Is it possible to fix the aforementioned state on rendering start so frames look identical each time I render them?

hello dvyal,
did you find a solution for making material animations deterministic?
i am just bumping into this issue too.