Are you able to compile your blueprint, or are there errors within the compiler results? If there are errors within the compiler results, could you please screenshot that information for me, so I can compare my results when testing this bug out?
Sorry, I deleted the bugged blueprint and create a new one instead.
But when this bug happened, I don’t think I get a compiler error. Only when I’m in PIE or open up the bugged blueprint, I get a warning message, saying I’m using a “none” component.
Since you deleted the blueprint, have you been able to replicate this issue within the Editor? I used Ctrl+Z after editing within the viewport and event graph within the blueprint to try and replicate the issue that you received, but I did not get the same result. The only result this did lead to is a known issue where if you press ctrl+Z too many times, the editor will crash, which we’re expecting that to be corrected in 4.8.
I remember I tapped ctrl-z 3~4 times “very quicky” and it takes quite a long time for ue4 to process it before the bug appear. And the bug remains even if I re-open the editor.
After that, I just avoid using ctrl-z as best as I can.
The bugged blueprint is my character blueprint, and before the bug appear, I was editing my character’s IK related custom functions, don’t know if this help.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to reproduce this. However, I have noticed a bug very similar to this within our system however it’s for code projects. I believe it’s the same issue that you’re encountering. If you have any questions on this bug report, please refer to UE-12917 - It’s expected to be resolved in 4.8.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to reproduce this yet. I will continue to look into it. If you happen to see it again, could you please upload it to this thread? If we have the blueprint it’s happening in, that’ll help the developers tremendously, especially since we haven’t been able to reproduce this in-house.
Which version of the engine are you working in? Could you please provide me with your full reproduction steps so that I can also get this to reproduce and submit a bug for our developers?
Its been awhile since this happened to me. (it happened 3-4 times total on me)
I wrote out all the repro steps previously and hit submit and I guess i went over the char limit and it didnt submit, but I thought it had and refreshed page and lost it all. Too much to retype.
I remember it happening specifically after editing Animations and/or animationBP for the character and THEN in the MycharBP pressing CTRL Z three times in a row.
So create a basic animationBP and charBP. make the character do some animations like jump, crouch, etc… maybe a more complex one.
save it all and test… then with the mycharBP open, edit the animBP… maybe change out an animation for another. Then go into the animation and delete some frames of it so you’ve edit the animBP and an animation it uses directly. Then go to mycharBP and make a minor change. Then try ctrl z a few times in a row and see if you lose your settings on the BP. I think I compiled and saved when it happened each time as its a reflex these days… not sure if that matters tho.
i was doing something of that sort, every time it happened. I think it was on version 4.7.3. But im not sure.
Thanks for replying and giving me all of this information. I just modified an animation and worked within the actual blueprint and changed a few things, I then used control z a few times and I did not crash. I tried this out in 4.8.0, the newest release from today.
At this time, I believe that this specific issue is closed however, if you or anyone else runs into this issue again, please descriptively provide the reproduction steps as well as the version that you’re working out of.
This bug has been happening to me lately. I undo a few times and, sometimes, the mesh vanishes, the details panels empties, and the Blueprint basically breaks. Its frustrating to say the least.
Absolutely infuriating that this bug exists. I lost so much work due to this!!! Now everything is broken and I will have to recreate this system from scratch. What’s the point of using a game engine if it can just decide to delete a character whenever it wants?
The solution to the problem:
Class Settings > Details > Class Options > Parent Class ( change to ACTOR and then back to Character )
For anyone who finds this in the future, I did have to re-enable crouching on the Character Movement component, so it seems some settings are reset to defaults.